About Us

Who We Are

We have been around for some time, with more than 20 years of experience, we are one of the best IT Solutions Company providing robust, state of the art, up to date solutions to our client. We are based in Mumbai providing solutions globally directly as well as thru our regional affiliates.

Our team is backed by years of experience accumulated by our team of seasoned as well as eager young professionals. We have gained multitude of experience working with some of the leading OEMs, standard & custom to deliver seamless solutions to our many and valued customers.

From providing scalable solutions to SMEs and start-up to deploying high-end & secure infrastructure for top companies, we have done it all with only one principle, "It is not only about delivering results", but providing a long term solutions, by which we have earned the trust and appreciations from our valued clients.


Our Team

Our team of highly skilled engineers & professionals along with our trusted associates are our pillars on which we build and strive our company.

Product Range

We have extensive network of OEMs providing us with the latest batch of equipment & software, so that you only get the latest.

Growth & Expansion

We grow with our client and their experiences. From a small 2 man team to a team of professionals & associates, we have come a long way & we continue to grow and expand.

Associateds & Partners

In a global market, it is difficult to survive singularly. We therefore have networked with various companies, agencies & individuals, whose expertise gives us a unique edge.

Our Process

Intensive planning, General standard operating procedures, Solid foundation & Professional execution are the markers of every project we execute.